4. A UNIX based 3270 emulation process that provides 3270 emulation windows to X Terminal devices.

This solution is very similar to # 3. Here, the display devices are native X terminals or PC's and Mac's running an X terminal emulator. In this case, the UNIX process is a TN3270 client. The UNIX system uses Telnet and TCP/IP to connect to the TN3270 server on the mainframe. The connection is then passed through VTAM and into the application.

Figure 7

As was mentioned earlier, each X terminal can connect to a number of processes on the UNIX system. Each end user can initiate many of these TN3270 client processes simultaneously. This means that a single X terminal can display multiple IMS and CICS applications and local, or remote, UNIX applications simultaneously. Figure 7 illustrates the X terminal approach to mainframe access.

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